School Age Summer Adventure Program
Sample Summer Theme:
Aarrggh You Ready for Some Pirate Adventures?
Ahoy Matey! Ships are about to set sail so climb aboard! Throughout the month of June, we will be learning to live like pirates, making and discovering pirate ships, and reading pirate maps. Through many games, activities, and books your child will gain reading, writing, math, and social studies skills while also discovering how pirates lived. Each week we will get one step closer to becoming a pirate. So let’s get our crew together and see if we can find some buried loot. Avast ye! Are you up for the adventure?!
Childcare Schedule7:00-8:45 - Greeting, quiet table games
8:45-9:00 - Snack 9:00-10:00 - Morning meeting, theme based activity 10:00-10:30 - Outside time 10:30-10:45 - Reading 10:45-11:45 - Free choice 11:45-12:00 - Clean-up, wash up for lunch 12:00-12:30 - Warm lunch 12:30-1:00 - Outside time 1:00-1:30 - Rest time 1:30-1:50 - Bible story, prayer time 1:50-2:45 - Theme based activity, free choice 2:45-3:15 - Outside time 3:15-3:30 - Wash up for snack 3:30-3:50 - Snack 3:50-5:00 - Free choice 5:00-6:00 - Table games |
School Age Goals
The summer school aged program is designed to strike a balance between summer fun activities and a chance to keep our reading and learning skills fresh.